Frequently Asked Questions
What is Your “Whatever You Can Afford Policy”?
In 1979 when Keith released his “So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt” album, he didn't want anyone excluded from hearing the Gospel through his music, due to lack of funds. So LDM and Keith didn’t sell his music at a set price, but asked people to send “whatever they could afford” (even if that was nothing) with a one per household limit.
In keeping with our tradition, if you cannot afford the price of a CD of Keith’s music, we will gladly send you 1 single CD “for whatever you can afford.” Simply mail your request to us at: LDM, PO Box 40, Lindale, TX, 75771. (THIS OFFER IS FOR USA ADDRESSES ONLY)
Titles to choose from:
For Him Who Has Ears To Hear
No Compromise
So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt
Songs for the Shepherd
List your title and send it with the amount you can afford. If you can't afford anything, write us a few sentences about your situation, and we'll pray for you as we process your request.
Can I Come To Visit The Ministry?
Now that we are solely online, we are not a in one physical location anymore. We work out of small offices where we live, so it is not possible to "come visit" like before.
How do I know if my order shipped?
We ship out orders through the US Postal Service. If you order online, we will email you a confirmation when we receive the order and another confirmation when we ship out your order.
Can I get "back issues" of the LDM Magazine?
Unfortunately, we have very few copies of our Magazine left so we cannot offer them for distribution. Your best bet to find one might from Ebay or other online selling sites. We have some issues up online for viewing, and you can check back periodically to see more as we work towards having each issue online. You will need to register as our "friend" on our site to view some of them...for free.
How do I get Permission to use one of Keith's or Melody’s songs?
You will need to contact the publisher of the specific song for any type of usage that you are doing. You can visit the website ASCAP.com and do a song title search to get the specific publisher copyright information. We cannot legally give permission.
How Do I Contact Melody directly?
You are welcome to email your testimony to Melody. Click here. Due to her full schedule she is unable to answer every letter personally. She does appreciate very much the letters she receives with encouragement and stories about how your life has been affected by LDM, Keith's, or her ministry. If you'd like to invite Melody to speak at your event, click here.
How Do I Sign Up for the Newsletter?
Our newsletters are sent only via email, every one to two months. You can sign up right here!

Expanded and Revised Melody has added over 100 pages of NEW stories and insights to this inspiring biography.
We have a message for the world... Will you help us share it?
Blessed Are The Poor in Spirit | What does is mean to be poor in spirit? There is something about the poor that delights the heart of God. They are contrite. They know they are in need. But what is it about them that draws the kingdom of God to Earth?
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