Dear friend,
It's been a while since my last letter and I apologize. Many great things have happened that I long to share with you. But as we continue to refine how we do things, we hit few a walls – a few unexpected delays.
Another Unexpected Delay
Regarding unexpected delays, I’m writing to you directly from a hospital bed! Over 10 days ago (May 21st) I had a misstep and tripped over a low box on my floor. It wasn’t a hard fall but I landed in a "funny" way.
 I was in massive pain and it looked like a bone was about to pop out of my foot. So I inched across the room to my phone, called 911, and took an ambulance ride. My daughter Rebekah and her husband George live nearby and arrived at the hospital just as I did.
Surgery on June 3rd
I know a broken foot might not sound like that big of a deal. But my right foot has been my "good foot” since the stroke 12 years ago, and now it’s broken in several places.
I’ve been here in the hospital waiting for the swelling to go down before surgery. If my left foot was stronger I’d be able to wait at home but right now since I can’t walk, I can’t be alone.
Please Pray
My surgery is this Wednesday (June 3rd) and my future ability to walk properly will be affected. The best possible outcome is needed. I’m praying I’ll end up stronger than I was before!
Please pray for protection, as hospitals are crazy and often unsafe. And even better -- a powerful healing!
Also pray for adequate home-assistance. After surgery I won't be able to put weight on my right foot for about two months. So I’ll be in a rehab facility -- then I’ll need help at home until I can walk.
Family, Friends, and Jesus
My daughter Rebekah and her husband George have been right by my side to care for me and manage the vast details of this unexpected journey. They even found me the top Orthopedic Surgeon in Los Angeles!
Many friends have visited and brought goodies and some much needed laughter. More friends are on their way soon.
As always, Jesus is giving me the comfort that only He can give. I can feel God with me and know He will use this season for good purposes. Please keep me in your prayers.
When God Showed Up Big-Time
Below, is an article I wrote for Worship Leader Magazine. They wanted my opinion about the Jesus Movement.
The Editor said, “Tell me what you miss, and don’t miss, from those days. And don’t hold back!”
I was given a full page -- 800 words -- but my first draft was over 5000 words! I cut like crazy and could include most of my thoughts. Albeit highly condensed.
This was a time when hungry people collided with the living God. People still talk about it. And long for a similar outpouring today. God is willing – but are we?
With Love and Gratitude for Your Prayers,

Reflecting on
The Jesus Movement
by Melody Green
How did we ever end up at that Bible study? Keith had a weekly show at a little nightclub where another performer talked with us about Jesus and invited us to a party.
Sprinkled into this typical Hollywood party (of laughter, pot, and deep talks) there were people sharing excitedly about Jesus changing their lives. One of them invited us to a Bible study.
They were unlike other Christians we'd met. They actually liked us. Maybe we should try their Jesus?
The God We Didn't Know
Met Us in Our Own Element
We were drawn one step at a time. Believers openly sharing with total strangers like us and saying they'd pray for us had an impact.
When Keith and I slipped into that Bible study people were already singing. They looked like us: longhaired and culturally "hip" but the similarity ended there. The LA music scene held easy access to emerging musical ledgends. Great music was everywhere.
But the songs this night were foreign to us -- just simple easy-to-sing choruses with only one guitar. Not current at all. But those simple love songs to Jesus held something better.
Love Broke Through
Within minutes, I knew I wanted what they had, even before I knew what it was. I understood it was about Jesus, but I had never heard the gospel before. Inside my heart, I heard a peace that told me, "You're home."
God's love took our generation by total surprise. We learned how to pray and were baptized wherever water was found.
As simple as that-in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - we were born again.
Without missing a beat, we raced back to our friends and families to tell them they needed Jesus too.
We took "light" back into darkness.
We were dangerous to the devil.
There Is A Redeemer
Every gathering was exciting. Fresh-faced newcomers felt accepted as they were recognized and warmly embraced. We prayed for them during the message and clapped as they went forward to meet their Savior.
One thing was certain:
We were not ashamed of Jesus.
Gatherings were often improvised because most of us didn't know what we were doing. We made mistakes and lacked wisdom, but there were no blueprints for our untraditional generation.
Today we have more skills and super-specialized teachings than ever, so why do we look back with such longing?
Make My Life A Prayer
Most of the noted musicians of that time were in secular bands when Jesus called them.
They joyfully forfeited promising careers, record deals, even their celebrity to sing for Jesus.
It was a sacrifice, not a good career move.
Today we can see that a successful career and livelihood (with all the industry trappings) is available by singing about Jesus.
Perhaps some of the early Jesus music reflected the sacrifice it took to make it in the first place.
I'm encouraged by much of what I see in the Church today, but I must admit, I have mixed feelings. We live in an extraordinary era of technology, bringing unsurpassed opportunities.
However, more isn't always better; unless it's about more people coming into deeper relationship with Christ.
Just Give Me Jesus
I long to return to the simplicity of that innocent love for Jesus. Things are again... complicated. The blueprints have been fine-tuned, but much of the heart, erased.
We judge the lost and insulate ourselves from the world, while "Celebrity Shepherds" are inaccessible.
The emphasis today leans more toward giving more money and more time to church events and building projects. Rather than befriending neighbors and helping the needy in our cities. We are too busy.
Divine appointments are often seen as annoying interruptions. These things are the opposite of what the Jesus Movement was about.
The simple faith that defined a powerful move of God has in some ways been replaced by super-sonic church services.
I'm grateful that a worship movement has been birthed. Worship lifts us to another level and gives us comfort.
But let's also be energized to go back for those who need this comfort too. Those who still need to meet Jesus.
A Harvest Requires Laborers To Gather
I miss hearing the Good News shared and newcomers given a chance to respond. If there are no newcomers, are we then just a big "bless-me club" as someone once said?
Today I hope the nets are being woven for an even bigger harvest, but a harvest requires laborers to go out and gather. I saw a spontaneous combustion of the power of God colliding with a hungry and willing generation.
I believe we can have it again: A Jesus Movement. Maybe the secret ingredient is contained in the name itself.

Reprinted with permission from Worship Leader Magazine September 2013
Below: Keith Green
($5.50 a CD)
Pro-Life film
The Drop Box
Saving Babies Creatively
About Kenny...

I was getting frozen yogurt recently when I had a chance to touch someone's heart.
Kenny was in the back squeezing the last drops from three tiny sample cups into his mouth.
Clearly he was homeless and had not showered in a very long time.
I offered to buy him a full cup of yogurt and he came to sit with me.
We talked for over an hour about Jesus and Bilbe verses, before I asked to pray for him. I laid my hand on his head and he bowed his head and quietly wept.
I prayed for at least 15 minutes as people stared. So what?
I prayed for things like his circumstance, shelter, provision, the embarrassing bladder problem he mentioned, and that he'd feel God's presence with him and God's love for him.
Kenny was elated with a new sparkle in his eyes. He gave me a big hug and went outside to his shopping cart of things.
I wonder how long it had been since anyone had actually touched him or cared about his life.
Blessing others is not difficult if we keep our eyes open to the needs around us. I know Kenny will reflect on our time together for a long time and that his ongoing prayers will be infused with a fresh hope in God's goodness.
Keep your eyes open and your heart available. If you are willing for Jesus to use you, He will.
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The Drop Box Film
Saving Babies Creatively

At premier with Director, Brian Ivie
I attended the premier of The Drop Box and came away inspired by the creativity and heart of one pastor and his wife, who decided to make a difference.
It was a controversial move in South Korea and hotly debated. But he did it anyway and has saved many babies from certain death.
Hundreds of babies are abandoned on the streets of Seoul, South Korea every year, but one brave pastor made it his mission to save them.
He created a an anonymous Baby Box built into the wall of what has become his orphanage. Here, moms can drop off their babies instead of leaving them in the trash or in an alley to suffer and die.
Go see or rent The Drop Box if you can.
Think about it!
How can America save lives creatively?
Gold & Silver Ministry Years (Vol. 1 & 2)
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Keith's Recorded Songs
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