Last Days Ministries > LDM > Our e-letters > May 09 LDM Update - Is Your Life Making People Thirsty?

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Our May 09 update Contains:
           -Pass the Salt!  by Melody Green
           -No Compromise Poster Offer
           -Last Days Mexico Mercy Ministry

  Pass the Salt!

  by Melody Green


PassTheSaltPicture this situation. You're out to breakfast with friends and the waitress brings your eggs. You take a bite and frown as your eyes drift across the table looking for a small container with holes in the top. Maybe the container is round or square or shaped like a little duck - but whatever, it's out of reach. Being an avid Bible scholar, Job's desperate plea immediately pops into your mind. "Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?" As the conversation intensifies, you realize your eggs are not only tasteless, they're getting cold. So you catch someone's eye and interrupt saying, "Excuse me. Uh, excuse me please... but would you please pass the salt?"

We have all experienced the blessings of salt - on our eggs, our french fries, and in our chicken soup. Salt has come to the rescue all our lives - saving the bland, the tasteless or the just plain inedible. We usually think of it as seasoning, but that's not all it does.


 Salt of The EarthPassTheSalt2

In Matthew 5:13 Jesus told His disciples, "You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how will it be made salty again? It is good for nothing anymore, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men." In those few words, Jesus tells us something about the function of His Church and the responsibility of those individuals who make it up.

As disciples we're the salt of the earth. We won't become salt, but according to Jesus it's the Christian state of being. When we became Christians, God had more in mind for us than just getting us saved. He wanted us to influence others - the whole earth - towards Him. He didn't say we were the salt of our church or our Sunday School. We're the salt of the earth - nobody salts their salt! To understand what it means to be salt, we need to know what salt is like, where it comes from, and what it does.

Why Salt?

Why did God call us salt? When He created smells He gave us about 14,000 different ones. But when He created tastes, He only made four: bitter, sweet, sour and salty. All flavors come from these four tastes. God didn't tell us we were the bitter, the sweet, or the sour of the earth. He called us salt on purpose. It wasn't an arbitrary choice. That means we need to pay close attention to the attributes and characteristics of salt.

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LittleBoyMexicoLast Days' Mexico
Mercy Ministry

..feeding the hungry in Jesus' Name

"Last Days Ministries has partnered with Wayne and Carol Kiger-Rice, directors of San Diego-based Voice of the Bride Ministries, to bring relief to the poor and hungry of Tijuana in the name of Jesus"

Twenty miles from downtown San Diego sits a vast collection of battered, tin- roofed shanties. It was a brisk, Good Friday morning when Wayne Kiger-Rice pulled up on the dirt road. His partner in ministry, Greg, had driven their donated pickup truck in the night before, its flatbed filled with food. Breakfast time! The children gathered outside in their sweatshirts, balancing a mismatched assortment of dishes on boulders, old wooden cable spools, and rickety tables. They didn’t seem to mind. It may have been day-old and from “the other side”, but it was food, and their smiles matched the one on Wayne’s face as he watched them eat...


Drawn to Tijuana by the lure of the border and potential employment, many poverty-stricken Mexican citizens end up in colonia, extremely poor neighborhoods nestled against the steel wall separating Mexico from the United States. As the economy around the world continues to fall, food prices rise and those who were already struggling find themselves in even greater need. The daily wage in Mexico averages $12, not enough to care for a family.

Read more and learn how you can help make a difference!






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825 College Blvd Suite 102
Oceanside CA 92057

