Prayer Alert: Keith Green Feature Film
(To celebrate see special offer at the end:))

Hey everyone I am so excited!!
A feature film of Keith’s life is in development!
What is most needed RIGHT NOW is PRAYER.
Shortly after the plane crash, I knew someday there would be a movie about Keith. I’ve waited for over 25 years for the Lord’s timing -- for God to bring producers with the right hearts, the vision and expertise to take Keith’s story to the big screen.
I always had a specific vision for the movie… just as I did when I wrote Keith’s story in No Compromise. I want people to join Keith in his searching years and then track with us together on our journey to faith. It must be authentic -- and connect to both the heart and the spirit.

Keith and I as new Christians ...
The Screenplay is being written right now – so please pray for it specifically!
For the story line, the events shown, and the power of God to be woven into it.
Every film that is taken from a book is much more condensed than the book, so everyone involved needs great and specific guidance.
I know Keith’s story will be used in powerful ways to touch lives. I want it to accurately represent his life and ministry. Obviously there will be lots of great music too!
I just returned from our original LDM property in Texas, where I ministered at Teen Mania Ministries. One of the producers came for research and to film me sharing my memories at certain sites. It was an intensely emotional time for me, bringing back many memories. One moment I was laughing, the next, I was crying.
The two photos below show me in front of the farmhouse where Keith and I lived with our little children, as well as a photo of the headstone for Keith, Josiah, and Bethany.

This movie is a God-sized job that needs to be bathed in prayer… for wisdom, anointing, divine connections, favor in the industry, the funding that is needed, and much more.
I also need prayer personally, as I know this will be both an exciting and emotionally overwhelming project. I’m already feeling the weight of it...
Prayer is essential! When Keith recorded each of his albums, we had constant prayer in the studio, and at LDM. We also had intercessors praying during his concerts.
Along with everyone at LDM I'm serving to rally prayer and intercession. We want to see more than just a "good movie" -- we all want it to have a powerful anointing so lives around the world will be touched and transformed!
Please forward this to your friends and ask them to pray with us. If they register at our website we’ll keep them posted as we go. Eventually we're hoping you’ll be able to sign up for prayer time slots during casting, production and post production.
For now please pray for the Screenplay!
It will become the footprint for the film.
Thank you for standing with us in prayer,
As always, yours in Christ,
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Last Days Ministries | 825 College Blvd Suite 102 | Oceanside, CA 92057