Dear Friends,
The below was written in 1980 by Keith. It talks about much more than the title of being Bored in Heaven indicates.
It talks about Heaven itself, and our desire, or lack thereof, to leave this life behind and be in eternal glory with our God. Not because we are so busy working for the Kingdom, but because we’ve just gotten a bit too comfortable, as said… down here.
I think sometimes we forget the strong shoulders that we who are in the faith, stand on. Building the Kingdom has always been costly and will always be, in one way or another.
Keith shares about the sacrifices many dear saints made who went before us – the high prices paid by men, women, and even children, to not deny Jesus, and were and are today persecuted, sometimes unto death, because of their faith.
When we do get to heaven, we will meet all of these people. I know I’ll be humbled to even be in their presence… Let alone in God’s presence.
We have time to get more deeply connected with God and enjoy Him more, anytime we want to start.
Keith speaks a hard truth to our spirit. It’s never too late, while we breathe, to renew our first love. Let’s finish the race strong – no matter what the cost.
We serve a faithful, amazing, glorious God… full of mercy, kindness and love. He deserves our full attention and our best efforts.
Will You Be Bored In Heaven?
by Keith Green
"But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My Word." -Isaiah 66:2 NASB
Who today trembles at the Word of God? It seems to me that there are but few who really live with a passion for God - especially a passion just to be with Him.
Today there is such a noise coming up before the throne of the Most High - the clamor of so-called praise, singing, and joyful shouting. But I wonder if the same people who love to sing and shout, loudly exclaiming the praises of God, really have such an intense glory in their secret life with the Lord.
When the meeting's over and there's no one there to listen except the only One who matters, do you still have that same passionate joy in your spirit, just to be alone with the Living God?
How Are You Ever Going To Enjoy Heaven?
The Lord made me realize recently that if I do not absolutely relish His company now, desiring to be with Him more than anyone in the whole world, then I would not really be comfortable in heaven at all - for it is there that we will spend all eternity in the company of the Holy One who made us.
I had always thought that even though now I might not desire with all my heart to be in the conscious presence of God, that somehow, mysteriously, I would not have that problem after I die. I had believed that salvation from a rotten devotional life would only finally come with death (and then naturally heaven!), but as a man of God said centuries ago, "There is no sanctification in the grave!" (See Heb. 9:27)
Now is the Acceptable Time
How many of us believe that even though we have some evil and sin in our hearts now, heaven will take care of all that? Why do we put our hope in some future redemption when God says, "Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold, now is the day of salvation!" (II Cor. 6:2 NASB)
Do you think that even though you allow yourself pride and selfishness here, once you get to heaven everything will be all set because "it's impossible to sin in heaven"? Aren't you forgetting that Satan let pride, selfishness, and deceit rule his life, even though he had lived in heaven since the day he was first made!
It must be seen that heaven can't take away our sins, only Jesus can take away our sins and the power of sin over our life!
Holiness is Heaven's Gate
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that God will allow sin in heaven. On the contrary, He has prepared hell as the final dumping site for the devil – and all the sin in the universe! God will only allow what is holy to enter through the gates. (Rev. 21:27)
That is why I implore you to see that it's not heaven that will finally purify us... only the blood of Jesus can cleanse and purify us, and that must take place here and now. For without holiness, "no one shall see the Lord." (Heb. 12:14 KJV)
If your heart takes more pleasure in reading novels, or watching TV, or going to the movies, or talking to friends, rather than just sitting alone with God and embracing Him, sharing His cares and His burdens, weeping and rejoicing with Him, then how are you going to handle forever and ever in His presence with no TV, movies, or singles' retreats? You'd be bored to tears in heaven, if you're not ecstatic about God now!
How could God invite you to heaven, where the most exciting thing to do all day is gaze upon His glorious face, if you're not in heaven right here on earth when you're alone with Him? Do you think that after you die, suddenly you'll be in heaven and "presto!" all at once you're not going to like worldly things anymore? All of a sudden you'll love more than anything else just to hang out with God, when you couldn't stand being alone with Him even 20 minutes a day?
The Excitement Of Death
"For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain .... I do not know which to choose, but I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better; yet to remain on in the flesh is more necessary for your sake. And convinced of this, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith . . " Phil. 1:21-25 NASB
What an amazing passage this is. But then again, what an amazing man Paul was! He speaks here as if he could snap his fingers and be in heaven any time he chose to leave the planet. He says that he'd really rather depart this life and be with Christ in heaven, but he was willing to stay if he really had to!
How different his attitude toward death is than ours. When we think of dying, many times it still holds the same dread for us as it does for unbelievers. Even worse, there are many believers who do not wish to "depart and be with Christ" any time too soon. When they think of going to be with the Lord, they hope it will be a long, long time in the future - in fact, going to heaven now would interrupt many of our plans (even "Christian" ones), cutting short a "long, productive life."
Be honest, would you be thrilled for the Lord to come back right before you get that college degree, or if you had your choice would you prefer He wait until right after graduation day? Maybe you're engaged to be married. How would you like to go to heaven the day before your scheduled wedding? See what I mean? Paul really desired more than anything else to go to be with the Lord. We desire long, fulfilling "Christian" lives on earth - but we're willing to die and go to heaven ... when we really have to!
Living Martyrs
What God seeks for today is a Church full of dead men and women. Dead to themselves, that is - and alive to their Beloved! Have you ever read Foxe's Book Of Martyrs? Such stories! Men and women tortured for a faith that seemed to the world (and the organized church of that day) to be in vain - because they chose to die for what they believed rather than accept the false, temporary peace of the so-called "religion" of the times.
The Bible still prophesies terrifying times ahead for the world, a time of horror and tribulation "such as the world has never seen" (Matt. 24:21 LB) "men's hearts failing them for fear." (Luke 21:26 KJV) According to Jesus, these times will try believers' hearts and faith more than any other in all the history of civilization. We must prepare for these times in the same way the apostle Paul did. He openly shared his secret of enduring suffering, torments, and persecution with joy - "I die daily!" Paul was a living martyr. He had been to the cross and had been "crucified with Christ." He had laid down upon the altar and counted all his strengths, talents, and benefits from this life as garbage so that he might "gain Christ." (I Cor. 15:31; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:7) Paul shares experiences in II Corinthians 11 that would make most of today's fainthearted believers shrink away from the faith - because the crucified life is not taught, only the "victory of the believer." But there is no victory without battle, and there is no resurrection without a cross. Today, many people with "charismatic" experiences have been led into the "upper room," without first going to the cross!
The Rapture - The Great Escape?
"Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord." -I Thess. 4:17 NASB
Many believers (especially in America) are hoping this event - called the "rapture" by Bible teachers - will deliver them from the sufferings that the Bible says will torment the whole earth. In fact, there are many who are more excited about this "rapture" than they are about Jesus Himself. Do these same people believe that they are more worthy to escape tribulation than Paul, or James, who both were beheaded? Or Peter who was crucified upside down (because he thought himself not worthy to be crucified as his Lord had been)? Or Bartholomew who was actually skinned alive in Rome? What about the millions of saints through the ages who have suffered unspeakable fates as their reward on earth for their faithfulness, or those in prison even now in Communist lands - why has there been no rapture for them?
And what makes us congratulate ourselves here in the West, to think that we deserve to go scot-free from suffering when "men of whom the world was not worthy did not accept their release, in order that they might obtain to a better resurrection"? (see Heb. 11:35-38)
A Great Falling Away (Matt. 24:10)
I think that one of the saddest stories I've ever heard was how the believers in China fared when the Communists took over their country in 1949. The Evangelical churches had been teaching that the Church would definitely be raptured before any "great tribulation" or suffering would befall the faithful. It had become such a central doctrine that all worry (and preparation) were abandoned, and praise for their absolute safety from harm and persecution was offered at every meeting. Then the Communist government took over and a vicious attack was made upon the Church, including confiscation of property, beatings, imprisonment, and even the taking of children from parents. The unprepared Church was caught so off-guard that millions fell away and denied Christ, thinking they had been abandoned by a God who did not keep His promise. Ah, but that's just it! God has promised tribulation - God has promised persecution!
"In the world you shall have tribulation . . . he who desires to save his life shall lose it. . . all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." (see John 16:33; Matt. 16:25; II Tim. 3:12) But these promises from God (no less precious than His others) were neglected in the teachings of the Chinese Church... just as they are being neglected today in the West. How sad to think that so many have become mesmerized into believing that no physical harm or suffering can befall them because they are Christians. But Jesus said, "Do not fear those who kill the body!" (Matt. 10:28 NASB)
I'm not saying there won't be a rapture. I'm just not too sure about the timing. Yes, I believe that God could deliver all true believers from the great tribulation, but since He hasn't always gotten even faithful Christians off the hook from suffering (in the Bible or in Church history), there's no guarantee that He'll protect the many lazy, apathetic believers of today from something that might not only wake them up, but would certainly divide the true sheep from the "religious" goats. When it comes to believing in either a pre-tribulation or post-tribulation rapture, my motto has always been: pray for "pre" but prepare for "post." That way we'll be ready for truly anything - which is exactly the way God wants us to be!
The thing that matters most to God is that His people will be found ready to rule as the Bride of Jesus when He returns. There are so many warnings about being unprepared (Matt. 24: 42-51; Luke 21:34-36; I Thess. 5:2-3), parables that tell the fate of those who are not faithful or do not keep watch (Matt. 25:143; Luke 12:35-40, 19:11-27), and pleadings of a loving God who "does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked." (Ezek. 33:11) We should take heed the godly advice of the great apostle...
"Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you - unless indeed you fail the test?" -II Cor. 13:5 NASB
The Watchman — Ezekiel 33
(click on poster to view it larger)
12x16 Frame-able Art
Hi-Quality Matte Paper
Retail Value: $19.95
LDM Price: $15.95
Special for You! $13.95
One of the early Last Days Magazine covers, this pen and ink drawing is based on the scripture from Ezekiel 33.
(click on poster for larger view)
Prayer Warriors and Intercessors:
This rendering will remind and encourage you how important your prayers are. When you petition heaven God hears you. Your prayers make a difference!
And YES! Your prayers can hold back the destruction and darkness the enemy wants to bring into your life
and into this world!
"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, so that the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any one of them, that person is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at the watchman's hand." Ez 33:6
18x24 Frame-able Art
(click on poster to view it larger)
by Alexis Wilson
Retail Value: $19.95
LDM Price: $15.95
Special for You! $13.95
Beautiful and powerful piece of art depicting Jesus' return in the clouds.
The artist describes what she has painted as:
From the East you see the Priest blowing the trumpet. The 12 tribes of Israel identified by a banner with their emblem. To the top left of the Lord are the Arab Nations, to the European Nations, a woman warrior, and top center is Russia and 7 of the Stan Nations each represented by the hats that identify each nation. Moving N. West you see Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, India, Indonesia, N. America, S. America, Africa – Egypt blowing a trumpet, W. Africa, Zulu S. Africa, Masai E. Africa; the children, the Leau brothers, the Maori of New Zealand, the Pacific blowing its trumpet, Australia with the boomerang and the empty horse is for your imagination and represents all those I may have left out. All are leading to the Lord coming for His Bride.
If you'd like to write to us please use the "contact us" section on the LDM site. Please don't hit "reply" to this email – it goes to an unmonitored box and we can't respond to you.
Join Melody at Beit Tikvah Messianic Congregation
Seattle Area
Morning Shabbat Service
Saturday – September 8th
10:30 AM
7935 136th Ave SE
Newcastle, WA 98059
— — Also — —
Urban Womens Retreat
September 8th & 9th
Sat. Eve to Sun. Eve
Beit Tikvah Women's Ministry
Registration is $50.00
Sunday Lunch Available
Letters! Letters! Letters!
From Jim:
Melody, I heard you on radio a few weeks ago. I'm 42 and never really heard Keith; it was my first introduction to him.
I've since bought the Gold and Silver Ministry Years CDs, The Live Experience, Keith's 3 teaching DVDs, and I'm reading the book No Compromise.
I am so moved by Keith's music and zeal for Christ and His Kingdom. I just love him! God bless you! You're in my prayers.
(Facebook, August)
Thanks to everyone who wrote with your memories of Keith! Here are a few we thought you would enjoy:
From Charles:
I remember Keith rescued me in 1977 in Eugene after a downtown concert and deposited me on a farm in Oregon for discipleship. Although I didn't stay and ran away then, I'm thankful that Keith helped me not to give up, and Jesus is still with me.
From Danny:
One of my favorite memories is watching Marx Brothers videos with Keith into the wee hours of the night, rolling on the floor laughing.
From Damaris:
Many years ago I read a quote from Keith which said that we should ask God if we're called to stay "at home" rather than asking Him if we should "go" into missions. This stuck with me and since a few years ago I am a missionary in Africa.
From Claud:
I picked up No Compromise in our local Christian bookstore and was blown away by it. I wanted to finish the book before the 30th anniversary of Keith’s passing. I accomplished that. Keith achieved (and is still achieving) so much in seven years of life.
I have been a Christian nearly all my life and haven’t done one-hundredth the amount of Christian work. I am ashamed and have committed the rest of my life to God’s work. Praise God for Keith and what he stood for. One day you will see Keith, Josiah, and Bethany again. There will be tears of joy...
From Timothy:
Just finished reading No Compromise and what a blessing it was to know Keith and his devotion to Jesus. I'd been lost in the desert; the Lord used Keith's music to lead me home and the book has inspired me.
I know the Lord is getting ready to use me, I just don't know where. Thanks for being a servant of the Lord and for sharing Keith's life with us.
From Colin:
I’m 19 years old, from Germany. At summer camp 6 years ago our “room-daddy” read No Compromise with us and told us about how you became a Christian and lived a Christian life in your twenties.
The story of Keith and you went along with me for the two weeks until I finally gave my life to Jesus, deeply touched by the Father and bursting into tears. This year I’ve reread the book and I’m amazed how you lived your life dedicated to God and what you achieved for the Lord. It made me think about how I compromised with Jesus in my life, which is actually wrong.
I’m motivated by your story to change things that are wrong in my life and think about questions I thought I had already found the answer to. I just want to say thank you for sharing Keith’s and your story that impacted my life these two times.
Computer Needed
For Melody
Melody needs a new Laptop, and new software, that make her 60+hours online-work-week feasible – for LDM, research, her writing and correspondence.
Her 13” MacBook is four years old, and a year past its extended warranty. It is quite grumpy and shutting down on her constantly. Techs are saying, “I sure hope it’s backed-up… Looks about to blow.”
It’s normal for Melody’s computers to burn-out-and-die after 3 to 4 years of constant use. Mr. Mac refuses to backup anything. So the need is pressing.
A Mac (with bigger screen) up-to-date Software, (including PhotoShop) Protective case, and Extended Warranty — is needed to make her ministry less time consuming and more productive.
We’ve priced it out at about $5,700. LDM would love to do this for Melody but we can’t afford to, and Melody can’t afford it either. Can you please help?
This gift is tax-deductible. Click the donate button to give on the LDM Secure Site, to use your PayPal, or for our address.
If you'd like to give to this need for Melody and LDM, click above!
If more than the cost comes in, we’ll add it to the LDM General Fund unless otherwise noted.
Classic Collection
Includes Keith's FOUR original albums:
•For Him Who Has Ears To Hear
•No Compromise
•So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt
•Songs For The Shepherd
Retail: $65.95
LDM Price: $43.80
SALE: $38.95
• What's Wrong with the Gospel?
• Devotions or Devotion?
• The Man Behind the Message
Retail: $57.00
LDM Price: $35.00
SALE: $29.95
Three Who Loved Not Their Lives
There was a converted Hindu Christian martyr whose skin was slashed and filled with salt and chili powder. He said to his tormentors, "Formerly Satan wounded me with his fiery darts. The blood of Jesus healed those wounds. The suffering caused by your wounds is not much." Enraged by these words, they started to skin him alive. "I thank you for this," he said, "tear off the old garment. I shall soon put on Christ's garment of righteousness." He was finally burned praying for his persecutors. (A Book Of Protestant Saints by Ernest Gordon)
Then there was Alan Cameron, one of the "convenanters" of the great Scottish persecutions, who was shown the head and the hands of another covenanter, his own son Richard. They asked him the cruel question, "Do you know them?" He kissed them saying, "I know them... I know them. They are my son's, my own dear son's. It is the Lord. Good is the will of the Lord, who cannot wrong me nor mine, but has made goodness and mercy to follow us all our days." (Fair Sunshine by Jock Purvis)
Thomas Haukes, after refusing to have his son baptized into the Roman Church, was ordered to a fiery death by the Bishop of London. During his agony, he stretched forth his burning hands and clapped them together three times, signifying to his friends that God was giving him grace in the fire. June 10, 1555. (Foxe's Book Of Martyrs by John Foxe)
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Click the donate button to give a tax-deductible gift on the LDM Secure Site, to use your PayPal, or for our address. Thank you!
$1.50 per pack of 20 tracts
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